Technology to the aide of Justice

According to the NJDG currently, there are ~3.29 Crore Criminal and ~1.52 Crore Civil matters sub judice at various High Courts & District Courts in India. Roughly 76% of these cases are pending for more than a year.  

A bit of drill down reveals that out of all the Civil matters pending for more than a year, a startling 23% in the District Courts and 44% in the High Courts are pending for more than 5 years, with a few awaiting outcomes for more than a painful 20 years. Nothing describes the impact of ‘Time’ on the delivery of Justice than the age-old saying “Justice delayed is justice denied”.

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The data available with NJDG provides the following insight into the reasons that the pendency in civil matters at District Courts can be attributed to.

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Can nothing be done about this? Sure, a lot can be!  

Almost all spheres of our lives have seen major transformations due to the increased use of Technology. Today we cannot imagine a life without the Googles & Ubers of the world. It is high time that we start exploring the innumerable possibilities that Technology can bring to the Legal-scape.  

Technology can be used for Analytics, Mapping & even predicting the possible outcomes which can bring down the time and money spent on litigating in a big way. Recently a lot has been spoken about by various stakeholders on the impact technology can have on disposing of pending litigation and timely resolution of future disputes.

We at FIGHTRIGHT are working tirelessly to bring about a revolutionary change in the lives of all stakeholders in a litigation with the help of AI/ML. Our algorithms will assist not just to save time, effort, and money but also to formulate the best possible strategy for getting JUSTICE “in time, every time”.  

To know more about how we are doing it, mail us at