Is it better to keep a house empty than to let it out?

An estimated 42% of the urban population of the world lives in tenanted houses. Thus, there are roughly 150 million landlord – tenant relationships on this planet. This relationship is a contractual association and like any other contract this should also have a smooth exit option for either party. But the reality is far from this, it is seen that mostly when tenants decide to call off the contract it is a smooth sailing but when it comes to landlords wanting an exit…. A large number of them have to undergo, what is called “The Eviction Process”.

While doing research on general timelines for completion of the eviction processes across geographies, we found data that was enough to shock us. Take a look at the image below and be surprised!

This is a graph showing the comparison of time taken for Eviction in 7 major countries of the world.

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Evidently, India is currently the country that takes the longest to complete an Eviction. Up to 7 years is only an indicative average. In India, there are eviction matters that have gone on to be contested for more than 20-30 years before resolution is made available to the victim (read Property Owner).

Just imagine the plight of the Litigant who has to lose money, time, opportunity and peace before he can gain, what was legitimately his to start with.

Tenancy laws in India are dealt by the State Legislation, where the Centre has very little power to control and takeover matters related to Tenancies and rented properties. This is due to Article 246 of the Constitution of India, which makes ‘Land’ a subject under the State’s List or List – II of the Seventh Schedule. Hence, each state has its own set of laws to deal with this subject and there is lack of uniformity from place to place.

Apart from this the regular lacunae in the present judicial functioning in India (as discussed in our previous article only add to the delays. 

The idea behind this article is not to just highlight the problem but to shift focus on how we can curb the problem by making the process a bit faster than it is right now.

We at FIGHTRIGHT are trying to do just that with the help of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.

If you are facing a situation like this, feel free to reach us at

Note: The cover image is inspired by true incidents. Read about one such here